Differentiator 2

Modern product sellers swear by robust integrations

Find a solution that doesn’t sacrifice functionality nor robust integrations.

It’s a topic of hearty debate amongst leaders—do you go for the “best-in-class” software or the “best suite”? The former claims that they would be sacrificing functionality needed to compete and win. The latter points out that suites provide powerful integration. Me? I think both sides are right. You need a software platform that has such great integrations that it provides the best suite of capabilities, like modern inventory management. Neither side should compromise.

Modern product sellers swear by robust integrations

Actionable insights

Tips for getting the most out of your software purchases:

1. Don’t settle for 'good enough' software

You need both the best-in-breed sales channel integrations and the best inventory management platform. If you pick a solution that only does the basics on integrations, then you will limit your business’s sales and growth. If you pick a solution that has great integrations but limited core functionality, you will spend all your time working through integration issues. Don’t stop looking until you find an inventory platform that does both.

2. Create a shortlist to quickly find the right software

There are nearly 30 different inventory management software solutions on the market today. However, 95% of these options are small businesses that have only a couple hundred customers. If you cut these from your shortlist, you’ll have two or three real options to review. Get demos of each of these options and pick the best-fit solution for your unique business needs. The fast way to separate the top contenders from the other is to look at the number of integrations they support and the amount of functionality they have—screen out any solution that just does one or two things.

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