Better together

How Magento integrates with Cin7

Get started quickly

Get started quickly

Download orders, contacts and sales data to Cin7 with a single click.

Never sell out-of-stock products

Never sell out-of-stock products

Automatically update your Magneto stock in real time whenever orders are dispatched in Cin7.

Allocate stock by branch

Allocate stock by branch

Update stock available to sell in Magento from all branches or select a specific branch.

Batch Magento orders

Batch Magento orders

For ease of reconciliation, batch all Magneto orders into a single transaction and import them into Xero or QBO.

Simplify your international sales

Simplify your international sales

Integrate with 3PL providers and manage international sales with ease.

Get a demo

See how Cin7 will help you increase your efficiency and sell more

One of our team will walk you through a solution, customized for your business goals.